Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 3

30 Day Shred

Day 3 - Check

Today I worked out alone. Elza has a new job cleaning buildings at BYU, 4:30 AM-8 AM. (crazy). I've decided that working out with a buddy (who you're comfortable with) is much more pleasant than working alone. I don't like gyms. I don't go to gyms. I think everyone is looking at me. I know they aren't, but that's just how I feel. I now this is reverse, but I want to look good before I go to the gym. Or at least feel/look semi-fit. It's a dumb excuse. I know.

I thought this morning would be easier than the past two. I thought wrong. I was struggling! I felt good (well, better) doing the cardio, but the weights were killing me! I love the strength training. I feel like it's a nice little break from all of the cardio. But I pressed on, sweat sliding down my face. During the last circuit of strength training (and the hardest one for me), I took a closer look at my hand weights and saw that more weight had been added to the dumbbell! Oh well.
I don't think doing the 30 Day Shred alone is enough exercise. I have time to do more in the evening. My first plan was to add Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD after work. It's 45 minutes long, and it's full of cardio. I die a little every time. And then I found a great workout calendar from The Firm. I have a lot of their videos, and I have the weights and resistent bands. With this calendar, I'll rest on Sundays and Wednesdays. Sounds good to me! I start tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes! Cross your fingers. I get easily distracted in the evenings...


sos said...

Keep going - I can check off Day 3 also. Good for us!!!

C & E said...

U go girl! I wish I had some of your determination!