Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 - Check

This morning was cold, and my bed was warm. I tried to talk myself out of getting up, and to work out tonight instead. I pushed snooze once, stayed in bed, and thought about my day yesterday:

Jon and I went to the park to study. (Well, he studies. I quiz him, look at magazines,and people-watch). I was watching one happy couple walk across the big stretch of grass and the boy picked the girl up and spun her around and she was laughing and having a good time. Then I thought to myself: I want to be that girl. The kind of girl that a boy can just pick up and spin around. Jon is strong and can pick me up, but it's awkward because the whole time I worry he'll drop me or collapse under my weight. I don't want to feel his arms shake. Before I knew it, I was out of bed and putting my sneakers on.

I watch a movie while I work out. Today's movie was Tuck Everlasting. Half today, half tomorrow. Or split it into three days if it's a long one.

Last night Jon and I were watching Unsolved Mysteries, and when I got off the couch my legs were weak and felt like jello; I had no idea why. I had to think about it for a while. Then I remembered I worked out in the morning. Sheesh, I think my memory is starting to go.