Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 18

30 Day Shred

Day 18 - Check

Last night was workout number 18. This time I put on some Michael Buble' and Dianna Krall, instead of the hip-hop/R+B music that I've been listening to. It wasn't too bad, and it kept me calm, even when I was out of breath and dying. I felt as light as a feather when I was doing something they call double jump rope. (Just a lot higher of a jump, and your arms swing around twice instead of once. AKA - moving your arms a lot faster and jumping a lot higher). Well, light as a feather for the first round anyway. The second round...not so much. But I still felt good! And I'm stronger. When I flex I'm still embarrassed, but at least now I actually have something to flex.

I've been watching American Idol off and on this season, but Lee has been my favorite since the way beginning. And now he's one of the top two! So don't forget to vote for my man next Tuesday. :)

I saw Letters to Juliet last weekend. It was pretty cute. It makes me want to go to Italy sooo bad. And fall in love. And make some great friends while I'm there so I will always be welcomed back. And go for drives in the countryside (or mountainside...maybe it's time to do Nebo Loop again!) Can life really be like the movies? Can I make it that way? I need an exciting job where I can travel and enjoy lots of different cultures and meet lots of new people, and just have tons of great experiences. So if you find one, please let me know. I would like it. I used to want to work for National Geographic - writing articles or taking pictures and they just pay for my travel. Seriously. Or start my own non-profit organization. I would love to go help others, and I know I would needs funds, etc. But looking online at different organizations, I don't want to pay $2500+ (not including airfare, food, etc). And the Peace Corps is a long commitment, too. So who knows. I'm still young. I have time. I am just impatient.

Speaking of impatient, the talks on Sunday were about that. Everyone did a great job, and I realized that, man! I'm impatitient about a lot of stuff! I need to work on that...

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