Friday, May 21, 2010


I am so sick. I don't know if I'll be working out tonight... I just want to take some medicine and curl up in a ball and fall asleep. At least it hasn't been too crazy at work today. But man. I can hardly function! And I hate to leave work early, I always feel like such a bum (and it's be less money and I don't want to take any more PTO right now...)

I'm going to the school's graduation ceremony tomorrow, I better feel good by then! Emma is playing the organ for it (Pomp and Circumstance over and over and over and over again....)

And it's Friday night, I have no plans, so it's good that I'm sick now, right?


sos said...

Get better's no fun being sick!

Erika Amonett said...

Oh no, Molls! You have exactly 10 hours to be better. And that's an order! ;)